An Unexpected Expectation

An unexpected hug from a friend when you need it,

An unexpected star that lightens up the night,

An unexpected story that seems to piece the puzzles in a great fit,

An unexpected cookie made to wipe away your tears,

An unexpected heartbreak that sets you free from the pain,

An unexpected joke that fills the hole in your day,

An unexpected hand to pull you out of the rain,

An unexpected expectation leading to the feeling of your soul being full,

Only if it were truly unexpected.


  1. Very thoughtful and creative poem. I loved the unexpected surprise element you added to situations in life which one can relate to or may have experienced at some point. It is making me feel grateful for the "unexpected". Thank you.

  2. You are an unexpected delight, Mili!

    I mean, I already know you are brilliant and wise. You keep sharing more! I feel your poems - there is a movement, and undercurrent that flows like water through my heart. Thank you for being so generous.


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