To Be You

To have all the wisdom, yet know nothing at all. 

To rule the world with power, yet be the weakest. 

To do everything perfectly, but only to fall. 

To represent all in one, yet only you. 

To notice yourself surrounded, yet alone. 

To see everything clearly, yet not see-through. 

To be all you are, yet nothing. 

Only to be you.


  1. "To have all the wisdom, yet know nothing at all."
    —Mili Nair

    "No one is wiser than Socrates for he knows that he knows nothing."
    —Oracle at Delphi

    One of the hallmarks of great poetry (and art in general) is its ability to reveal something new to the connoisseur with each fresh encounter. Mystical poetry in particular has the ability to both mirror and amplify the reader's evolving insights back to him or herself — "to see everything clearly, yet not see through." In the few short weeks since I first heard Mili recite "To Be You", I've discovered in it a wellspring of wisdom, and I can only imagine what new treasures will be plumbed from its depths with subsequent readings.


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