As a teenager, I am experiencing life as it's thrown at me, bitter and sweet. I have and do struggle with accepting myself like many others do. The acceptance of my looks, my past, my actions, my mind, my life, the people in my life, and what I can or cannot change. Through some of my experiences, I have somewhat realized that I am me. I am Mili Nair, nothing more and nothing less, and I love that. In this blog, I hope to share my process of loving myself and some of the most beautiful aspects of life that I have come to cherish. My hope is to use this experience to help others learn from their own stories. 

    All this blog is really about is accepting your lemons and turning them into lemonade. :)


  1. Looking forward to following along your creative journey through this blog! 🙂

  2. You are making the most delicious lemonade! Poet Pablo Neruda speaks of making "sweet honey from my old failures." It sounds like this kind of honey combined with the lemons life throws our way, you are already making delicious, fragrant, healing lemonade! It is an honor to witness your experience through the word pictures you paint, Mili. You are wonderfully you!


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